
The general objective of the project is to demonstrate models of service of electric car sharing in ways close to the market, as well as to develop an innovative IT platform that allows an effective diffusion of e-car sharing services in small and medium size urban areas.
I-SharE LIFE is a LIFE demonstration project positioned within the thematic priority for air quality and emissions, including the urban environment (thematic priority 2.2.5) of the LIFE sub-program for the environment and resources efficiency.
The networking activity identifies those projects, already concluded or still in progress, inherent to the project themes described above, such as air quality, energy efficiency, transport, and others with the aim of identifying methodologies and tools that can be integrated and promoted within I-SharE LIFE activities and develop them within the priority area “Environment and resource efficiency”, which supports pilot and demonstration projects to develop, test and demonstrate policies or management approaches, best practices and solutions, including the development and demonstration of innovative technologies on vehicles applied to road transport and urban mobility.
Networking is particularly important for sharing and capitalizing on project results, to avoid overlaps and to strengthen synergies between initiatives.

• LIFE PrepAIR project: for the improvement of air quality This LIFE Integrated project aims to implement actions in the territory of the Po Valley and Slovenia in order to improve air quality and comply with Dir. 2008/50 / EC and the European strategy ‘Clean Air for Europe’

LIFE for Silver Coast Project: Prototypes and integrated sharing systems for individual and collective transport with new electric mobility services in Isola del Giglio – Monte Argentario – Orbetello.

• LIFE BrennerLEC project: for the creation of a “reduced emission corridor” along the Brenner road axis

• LIFE U_Mob project: for the creation of a university network to facilitate the exchange and transfer of knowledge on good standards of sustainable mobility between European universities.

• LIFE Care4climate project: Promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 in order to promote sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable land use and climate protection in the transition to a low-carbon society.

• LIFE Zero emission project: awareness, development of new technologies, development of eco-tourism infrastructures and presentation of the cultural and natural history of the project area.

• Horizon 2020 CarE Service Project: Innovative circular economy business models based on advanced mobility services that exploit hybrid and electric vehicles.

• Interreg e-MOPOLI project: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility. e-MOPOLI aims to contribute to an efficient spread of electric mobility and mobility with alternative fuels with the improvement of 9 defined policy instruments, 6 of which are directly linked to the Structural Funds, in Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Romania and Latvia.

• Interreg e-SMART project: e-Mobility Smart Grid For Passengers and Last Mile Freight Transport in the Alpine Space. e-SMART designs, tests and validates transnational tools for integrated planning of electric mobility smart grid services and charging stations for local public transport and last mile freight logistics

SHAREPLACE project: The overall goal of this Interreg project is to develop innovative approaches to improve the connectivity of local, regional and transnational mobility systems.

• Interreg e-MOTICON Project: contributing to the homogeneous diffusion of Electric Mobility throughout the Alpine Space; an E-Mobility transnational strategy for an Interoperable Community and Networking.

• Horizon NeMo project: to make electric mobility more attractive and facilitate its mass adoption in the road transport sector