Innovative sharing solutions for full electric travels in small and medium size urban areas

This project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE programme under Grant Agreement n.° LIFE17 ENV/IT/000212 I-SharE LIFE

I-SharE poster


Demonstration Objectives

I-SharE LIFE aims at demonstrating the technological and economic feasibility of e-carsharing models of service tailored to smaller urban areas in Lombardy and Croatia, in order to facilitate the uptake of electric and shared mobility in a wider range of urban contexts. I-SharE LIFE includes specific sustainability and replicability & transferability Actions, aiming at guaranteeing the economic feasibility in the 5 demonstration sites and replicability in further 34 sites.

About us

I-SharE LIFE project

I-SharE LIFE is positioned within the thematic priority for Air Quality and Emissions including the Urban Environment of LIFE Sub-programme for Environment and Resource Efficiency.

The main environmental target of I-SharE LIFE is the reduction of pollutants and atmospheric loads, in particular PM10 and NO2; this aim is also compounded by a more climate-related aim, i.e. the mitigation in the emission of greenhouse gases from road transport and urban mobility.

As far as the demonstration actions are concerned, a total of 50 electric cars are to be used in the demonstration actions in the four cities in Lombardy, Italy, and further 8 e-cars will be used in the demonstrations sites in Osijek, Croatia.

With respect to the models of service foreseen in the single demonstration actions, the general aim of I-SharE LIFE is to reduce the number of conventional internal combustion vehicles circulating in the participating cities, thus reducing the atmospheric load of pollutants in the aforementioned urban areas, as well as to demonstrate the technological and economic feasibility of a transition to electric car sharing in small to mid-sized urban areas in Italy and Croatia.

The focus on small to mid-sized urban areas also allows for innovative replicability and transferability opportunities in other small to mid-sized urban areas, as detailed in the dedicated sections of the proposal.

Start date: 01/07/2018

Expected end date: 30/06/2021

Project Value:

-> Total amount: EUR 5,667,071
-> EC Co-funding: EUR 3,398,535

Actors involved in the project

ITALIA – Italija
FNM – Public Transportation Holding – Project Coordination
E-VAI – E-car sharing company
NORDCOM – I-Share Tecnological platform
ASSTRA – Project dissemination
POLIEDRA (Politecnico di Milano) – Sustainabile Mobility – Scientific Partner

HRVATSKA – Croazia
DYVOLVE – Mobility Projects & Consultancy Company
Grad OSIJEK – Municipality


Final dissemination event

I-Share LIFE partnership has the pleasure of inviting you to follow the online “FINAL DISSEMINATION EVENT”, aimed at ensuring the maximum dissemination of the results and welcoming the contributions of the different categories of stakeholders in various capacities interested in the implementation of car sharing models. Please find attached the draft Agenda. Click here to …

Enjoy the final video

The I-Share LIFE European Project allowed us to experiment 4 car sharing models in 4 Lombard locations with the aim of demonstrating their technological and economic feasibility. In this video we tell you the results!


For information on the project you can send your requests to the Project Manager.