City of Osijek is the largest city and the capital of Osijek-Baranja region, with a population of more than 100.000 inhabitants. The organisation is responsible for the economic development of the city. The department for EU programmes and economy within the Organisation is responsible for managing EU funded projects and programmes. Further, the city of Osijek is a key stakeholder in the development of the Transport Masterplan for functional unit of Osijek Baranja county. The organisation owns and supervises Osijek’s public transit system company (GPP Ltd.), which operates bus and tram network within the city and the neighbouring municipality. The City of Osijek was involved as a lead partner, member partner or an associate in more than 40 EU co-financed projects with the combined value of €20 million. Abovementioned projects have been mainly related to the development of energy efficiency, entrepreneurship platforms, economic development, environmental protection, renewable energy, and others. City of Osijek holds a substantial experience in the project implementation. It would often be conducted in partnership with the Regional development agency – Slavonija and Baranja (RRA), as well as with other cities in the Osijek-Baranja County. The experience outlined above is expected to beneficially contribute to the likelihood of success for future EU funded projects.