Dyvolve Ltd. is an organisation with a strong knowledge, experience and professional competence in the fields of sustainability, with a particular focus on sustainable transport solutions, SUMP and electric mobility. Dyvolve’s core business is supporting public and private bodies within the fields of business strategy and business model generation, sustainability and performance improvement.
The organisation participated in the project application and implementation of two theme-related proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. The projects involve six Central European member states and have a total value of more than €29.6m. The projects’ goal is a development of a fast and ultrafast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Being a consortium member, Dyvolve Ltd. is currently implementing activities in SHAREPLACE project (funded by INTERREG CE) with the aim to develop an innovative approach to improve the connectivity of local, regional and transnational mobility systems, and to build an open integration platform for all types of passenger transport services and target groups.
Furthermore, Dyvolve is a cluster member of “Sustainable Urban Mobility” within the European Commission’s initiative “European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities”, as well as atechnical consultant of European Commission DG MOVE Sustainable Transport Forum. In addition, In Sustainable Transport Forum (founded by The EC and DG MOVE), Dyvolve serves as a Technical Advisor to Croatian Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure for the area of electromobility. Through these and similar professional engagements, Dyvolve Ltd. helped various stakeholders develop sustainable transport programmes and transport policies for different levels of public governance.