I-SharE wins the “Sustainable PA Award”

I-SharE LIFE best project for the City, infrastructure and social capital of the Sustainable PA Award

Among the 100 winners of the “Sustainable PA Award” I-SharE LIFE of FNM was recognized as the best project for the City, infrastructure and social capital during the PA Forum held in Rome on May 22 and 23 last.

The 100 winning projects have been rewarded for their ability to offer growth paths to Italy in line with the objectives identified by the Agenda2030 for the sustainable development of the UN.

I-SharE LIFE adapts the electric mobility to medium-small contexts, outside the traditional metropolitan areas, integrating it with the various transport services (train, bike and other public transport vehicles) concentrated near a “HUB” station. The project has been awarded for its strong innovative value, the environmental value linked to the improvement of air quality, the relevance for the recipients and the possibility of being replicated in different territorial contexts, starting from the pilot site of Busto Arsizio

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