During the 15th National Conference on local public transport “R-Evolution – Public transport: route for the future” (Rome, 13 and 14 February 2019) ASSTRA has planned and conducted “dissemination” actions related to the I-SharE LIFE project.
Taking advantage of the importance of the event in the Italian public transport market, also in terms of number and type of participants, ASSTRA introduced the project, the involved companies and the first achieved results through a roll up, an information brochure and a slide presentation.
During the conference – which has been visited, in the two days, by 450 people representing transport companies, independent authorities, local and national political-institutional interlocutors, companies producing services and goods, associations, banking and financial organizations, Universities, Foundations, Research Istitutions – the following Tweet has been published on ASSTRA Twitter profile.
“Diffusi, durante il 15° convegno nazionale sul #trasporto #pubblico i primi risultati del progetto I-SharE LIFE http://www.i-sharelife.eu/ coordinato da @FNM_Group in partnership con ASSTRA, E-Vai, Nordcom, Poliedra, @Dyvolve , #Osijek: #mobilità condivisa, integrata, #sostenibile”
Here’s the link at the presentation held (PDF format).